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Sandy Larivee's Insights #1 - Centennial Celebration

Sandy Larivee brought bushels of ideas for both how we might celebrate the 100 years of Optimist International.  This GREAT list suggests 100 large and small ideas of how to promote our clubs, our communities, our Optimist spirit.

Centennial Membership Growth Opportunities

1.  Sponsor a new Member. Earn your 1st Promise Yourself Centennial collector pin.

2.  Help a fellow Member earn the Promise Yourself Centennial collector pin.

3.  Sponsor a new Centennial OPTIMIST Club or a new Junior Optimist Club and earn a Promise Yourself Centennial Builders of Excellence star and patch.

4.  Sponsor a returning member using the Homecoming New Member incentive.

5.  Hold a Homecoming reunion of former members. Give them the opportunity to re-join your club with the Homecoming membership incentive.

6.  Write “thankyou” notes to former members and supporters.

7.  Develop strategies to engage younger members.

8.  Earn the Fast Start award for your club by building 1 new club and adding enough members to see your club’s membership be a +10, make a $100 donation to the Foundation all by March 31, 2019.

9.  Invite 100 friends to join an OPTIMIST Club.

10.  Conduct a membership drive to ensure the next 100 years and to Bring Out the Best into the Next Century.

11.  Advertise“Friend of OPTIMIST” and what is available to a new Member.

12.  Conduct an Optimist Day Conference or Seminar focused on volunteerism. Invite representatives from community groups, and offer tips and ideas about project development, management and networking.  Invite an inspiring speaker to encourage those who serve others. Ensure adequate Optimist Members are in attendance and showcase the history of your club and how membership can be attained.

Community Service Projects

13.  Collect 100 cans of food for food pantry, 100 coats for children, etc.

14.  Do 100 hours of community service. Keep a log.

15.  Gather 100 Optimist members & local people for a centennial trash pick-up day.

16.  Host a centennial silent auction and use proceeds for community projects.

17.  Help 100 needy families throughout the year. 

18.  Organize a centennial beautification project somewhere in your community.

19.  Build 100 feet of wheelchair ramps for underprivileged disabled people/families.

20.  Paint a park bench to celebrate 100 years of OPTIMIST. 

21.  Plant a tree in the community with Centennial placard.

22.  Work with local Chamber of Commerce to declare an OPTIMIST Day. Publicize the proclamation at schools and businesses, in newspapers and on websites and social media networking sites.

23.  Coordinate a 100-mile bike rally, walk-a-thon, run with a centennial theme.

24.  As part of a community project, plant a centennial vegetable garden.

25.  Organize a book drive & read to children at your local school or library.

26.  Host a service project marathon. Pledge to volunteer 100hours.

27.  Hold an Optimist booth/bake sale at local flea market.

28.  Host an Easter Egg Hunt for 100 Special Needs children.

29. Have members donate 100 pints of blood to RedCross.

30.  Host a Centennial lunch/dinner and feed 100 Veterans.

31.  Sponsor 100 Special Needs Children to attend a week-long Summer Camp/Camp Optimist.

32.  Sponsor a Heritage Day demonstrating all types of vintage crafts.  Invite children.

33.  Host a picnic for 100 Families and promote your club.  

34.  Purchase 100 toys for foster children.

35.  Place 100 Flags throughout your city/town on Flag Day.

36.  Give away 100 care packages (toiletries, snacks, etc.) to the homeless.

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Centennial Public Relations Promotions

37.  Use OPTIMIST Centennial logo on all materials.

38.  Play the Optimist Centennial Videos on screens at all events for all attendees to see.

39.  OPTIMIST Centennial displays at fairs, libraries, grocery stores, empty store fronts, etc.

40.  Create a giant birthday cake in the shape of the Optimist Logo to mark the Centennial birthday and invite the community and media to share it.

41.  Update your Club’s/District’s website, blog, social networking pages with the Centennial video.

42.  Update your website, blog, social networking pages with photos from your Centennial events.

43.  Share individual “My Optimist Story” with local newspapers/TV Radio and submit to Optimist International.

44.  Collect and display trivia and/or photos of your OPTIMIST Club at all events

45.  Have Mayor to proclaim “OPTIMIST Day/Week/Month/Year.

46.  Display OPTIMIST Club history at the city/county library.

47.  Have an Optimist float in a parade.

48.  Promote Optimist International Foundation.

49.  Collect 100 stories of how OPTIMIST has made a difference to families, communities, etc.

50.  Collect and display historical OPTIMIST items from members/former members.

51.  Post a birthday countdown to build excitement to June 19, 2019.

52.  Create a centennial calendar and plan one activity a month that celebrates 100 years.

53.  Write a letter to the editor listing 100 reasons to volunteer, highlighting OPTIMIST century of service.

54.  Partner with local museums to create a centennial display.

55.  Purchase OPTIMIST Centennial items from Schumsky's and give as gifts.

56.  Invite local celebrities or prominent people to help celebrate the centennial by speaking at your club meetings, etc.

57.  Partner with your JUNIOR OPTIMIST Club to talk about OPTIMIST–its history & volunteerism.

58.  Display an Optimist Hall of Fame wall or bulletin board at your local Library, Community Center.

59.  Create a centennial scrapbook of OPTIMIST history.

60.  Create flyers with OPTIMIST history & current information for stands at libraries, Chamber of Commerce, welcome centers, etc.

61.  Interview former members about their first memories of OPTIMIST.

62.  Use local TV station for “Historical Moment” from OPTIMIST’s history.

63.  Make a DVD. Interviews with members and record all celebrations.

64.  Rent a billboard to advertise 100th birthday by running a campaign highlighting the Optimist’s continued service locally and globally to show the amazing things that have been accomplished.

65.  Highlight a family that has generations of Optimists. Share the family’s story with the media.

66.  Create an Optimist Day podcast with a panel of Optimists discussing service projects.  Post on all your web and social media sites.  Remind others to “like” and “share.

Centennial Events

67.  Secure sponsors for centennial event.

68.  Hold a city/town centennial celebration.

69.  Present history of OPTIMIST/JUNIOR OPTIMIST at local high school.

70.  Let them eat cake...birthday cake that is! Serve at meetings & events.

71.  Host a centennial poster contest for kids, Junior Optimists, etc. that promotes volunteerism.

72.  Give a centennial gift to your city/town community center.

73.  Host a centennial photo contest.

74.  Host a centennial classic car show featuring vehicles from every century.

75.  Challenge your club to collectively lose 100 pounds by the end of 2019.

76.  Create a centennial Christmas tree with 1919 era decorations.

77.  Coordinate a centennial festival. Offer games, food, activities that were popular 100 years ago.

78.  Conduct a centennial conference or seminar focused on volunteerism.

79.  Bury a time capsule with OPTIMIST memorabilia.

80.  Host a Heritage Day where old projects, newsletters, etc. are displayed.

81.  Host a business-after-hours for the local Chamber of Commerce.

82.  Sponsor a cook-off contest.

83.  Host a centennial booth at the local farmers’ market.

84.  Host a centennial benefitconcert.

85.  Host a 100th birthday party & invite families from around the community.

86.  Host a historical dinner featuring costumes, food & music from 1919.

87.  Hold a centennial progressive dinner...feature highlights of OPTIMIST history at each location.

88.  Recognize past presidents with small gift and time to reflect.

89.  Attend the OPTIMIST Centennial International Convention in Louisville Kentucky June 30 – July 3, 2019.

90.  Share OPTIMIST history with other civic groups-Rotary, Lions ,Kiwanis, etc.

91.  Perform skit showing OPTIMIST at various times.

92.  Coordinate a day of international service partnering with a sister club from a different country.  Together, the Clubs can help out with projects in each community and join together in the publicity.

93.  Invite members of other service organizations or 

94.  Hold a candlelight ceremony, with each candle representing a need in the community or abroad for children. Invite the media and community dignitaries to attend.

Centennial Donation Opportunities

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95.  Identify 10 members toc ontribute $100 to the Foundation.

96.  Give $100 to the Foundation.

 97.  Collect dimes throughout the year at your meetings and donate back to the foundation. Offer draw tickets to those who participate. On June 19, 2019 draw names for dime a day pins from the raffle entries from those who brought in donations of dimes.

98.  Coordinate a run/walk in correlation to your Optimist Day. Registration proceeds can go to the Foundation.

99.  Host a benefit concert in honor of the Optimist Centennial.  Bring together professional and/or student musicians. Proceeds go to the Foundation.

100.  Hold a rubber ducky race with each duck representing a year of Optimism.  Let proceeds go towards a local community project.

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